
Archive for September, 2021

Stafylofest on Friday

On Friday the annual Stafylosfest is being held again in Glossa at the Glossa culture and art center. You are welcome from 18.00 until 22.00 hours.

In the same center an art exhibition from George Calis is being held.

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Never the same

September is a month that holds surprises. The weather is not as stable as July and August but the days are somehow sweeter, with a softer light and when we have rain or a rainstorm the days afterwards are quieter, like we have taken a deep breath and are ready to go again. For the last part of the summer.

The sky and the clouds are amazing, a deeper blue and you can see the strangest, most beautiful shapes high above.

The sea is calming down and the different kinds of blue are slowly fading.

The beaches have been reshaped again and in certain parts in the sea you will find stones where sand was or the other way around.

The activities on the sea don’t stop yet. They are one of the best ways to explore the sea, the interesting coastline of Skopelos and the private beaches that cannot be reached by car or on foot.

All the changes, all the colors, they are never the same and I love it.

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For J.

Dear A.

Thank you for coming in yesterday and telling me a little bit about yourself and your wife J. I am so sorry she passed away but I admire you very much for coming back to Skopelos that you both love so much. I hope that the sadness of not having J. with you does not overshadow your holiday. I hope you still feel joy visiting the places you used to go to together. I will continue to write my thoughts on the blog and please remember that I have you and many others in mind when I write.

This view you know very well. It happened that I was in “your neighborhood” this morning. Take care!

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R.I.P Mikis Theodorakis

He has not died, he just moved home.

Mikis Theodorakis / Μίκης Θεοδωράκις 1925-2021

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Itinerary Skopelos Trail Race

So for the first time in many years a running event is taking place on Skopelos. Hopefully the inhabitants and visitors of Skopelos will embrace the event and make a yearly feast that celebrates running, exercizing in general and our health.

It would be wonderful if people could cheer on the runners along the route. If I have more detailed information about it I will let you know. Starting and finishing point is the old harbor.

21Km The main event 18yrs +

This mountain race takes athletes deep into the heart of the island’s second highest summit Mount Palouki.

All the races start and finish at the historical old port, runners shall climb straight up into the main village where they shall be greeted with the traditional characteristics of the Skopalitian architecture. We shall continue to climb via a labyrinth of narrow streets and the famed steps of the Chora eventually exiting onto the ring road where we shall continue downhill towards the Stafylos road before heading southeast on the dirt tracks upwards towards Mount Palouki.

Race Description

  • Start time 8am 
  • Length 21km / 13.049 miles 
  • Elevation gain 546m / 1,790ft
  • Various Terrain, cobbled streets, asphalt, dirt tracks, trails and mountain scree
  • Refreshment stations – 4
  • Competitors benefits – Handcrafted medals / buffer / pasta party / local artisan products

5km Urban landscape 12yrs+

A great entry point into running. Athletes shall start with the more experienced long distance runners heading straight into the village exiting onto the ring road where we shall continue on towards Stafylos, taking a sharp left towards Mount Palouki before tailing off the dirt tracks to skirt the back of the southeast side of Skopelos passing through various agricultural fields and the towns coastline, eventually traversing back to the finish line.

Race Description

  • Start time 8.30 am
  • Length 5km / 3.107 miles
  • Elevation gain 90m / 295ft
  • Various Terrain, cobbled streets, asphalt, dirt tracks and trails
  • Refreshment stations – 2
  • Competitors benefits – Handcrafted medals / buffer / pasta party / local artisan products
  • Entry fee -10£

1.5km Children’s race 6yrs +

The perfect opportunity to introduce your child into sport where they shall explore the importance of group participation whilst having fun literally every step of the way.

Race Description

start time 10.00 am

  • Length 1.5km /0.932 miles
  • Elevation gain 
  • Various Terrain, cobbled streets and beach coastline
  • Refreshment stations – 1
  • Children’s benefits – Handcrafted medals / t-shirts / certificate of achievement 
  • Entry fee – Free of charge

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